Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cosmetic Surgery - Research Paper Example It can signify a new age of perfection-hunters, as standard-weight females cut an inch of superfluous fat out of their thighs or trench their sensation bras for bigger breasts—currently the most fashionable insidious procedure (Thompson 24-56). On the other hand, psychologists along with surgeons panic that numerous patients do not completely grasp the importance or prospective risks of these surgeries. â€Å"Individuals believe it is like departing for lunch,† claims Ane Wallace, Principal of plastic operation at Institution of higher education of California, San Diego medical structure. â€Å"Similar to any surgery, it requires to be taken critically (Neligan 44-890) One current research discovered that liposuction might thin one problem part while developing another. Young females who suction fat out of their thighs as well as lower abdomen eventually demolish their fat cells. When they ultimately put mass back on, it allocates unequally—frequently to less flattering sections such as the higher abdomen, back as well as arms (Neligan 44-890). Likewise, Wallace cautions that changing one characteristic at times takes away the emergence of others. A stomach tuck can result in thighs the thighs to become non-proportional, whereas plumped lips can create a usual sized nose unexpectedly seem obtrusive. Wallace has come across situations where Botox vaccination, which paralyzes specific facial physique, made the other functioning muscles to look extraordinarily strong and â€Å"odd.† Alarming still are the possible abnormalities. Marilyn Leiss considered she was going through an easy process to her eyes; 29 operations afterward she is still incapable of blinking. Meanwhile, a spoiled face-lift badly destroyed the nervous system of UK business lady Peny Johnson, who misplaced her commerce and became a hermit (Neligan 44-890). safe, â€Å"the results

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Bicycle Thief Essay Example for Free

The Bicycle Thief Essay The Bicycle Thief is probably the best known and most highly praised of all the Italian Neorealist films of its era. The films of the Neorealist movement were characterized by several primary ideas. Instead of featuring stories focusing on glitz and glamour, Neorealist films focused on the poor and the working class. Instead of building and fabricating complex sets to film on, they did their filming on location. And instead of trying to get the most well known, highly paid celebrity actors, they frequently used people that weren’t even professional actors and had no training for their starring roles. This all helped lend a sense of realism and weight to the stories. The Bicycle Thief takes place in Rome during a period where the unemployment rate was high and men struggled to support their families. In the film, an unemployed man, Antonio Ricci (played by factory worker Lamberto Maggiorani, in true Neorealist fashion), catches a lucky break and manages to land a job pasting up posters around the city. The only catch is that he needs to own a bike. Being that he already sold his bike to a pawn shop for much needed cash, his wife sells all the bed sheets from their home to scrounge up just enough money to get the bike back. There’s a great shot in this scene where we see an enormous shelf containing hundreds of sheets; a subtle way of showing us that the protagonist is just one of many in similar desperate situations. Antonio gets his bike back and starts his job the next day. Unfortunately, just like in real life, things usually don’t go as planned. While he’s gluing up a poster, a hoodlum dashes by, snags his bike, and takes off with it. Antonio desperately chases after the man, knowing that if he loses his bike, he loses his job, and his family will starve. Try as he might however, the thief manages to escape. He reports the theft to the police, confident that they can help him recover it, but they basically tell him to go look for it himself. The film really tries to highlight the social and moral landscape of the time; if you’re at the bottom of the totem pole, you’re either a target or just one of the faceless millions to be ignored. With no other choice, Antonio takes to the streets and searches for his bike for hours, but comes up empty handed. The scene where he and his son are caught in the rain, soaked and downtrodden, as all around him people on their bikes are riding away really makes poignant the hopelessness of his situation. After trying everything he can think of to get any leads on the thief or the location of his bike, go so far as to even spend what little money he has left on a fortune teller, he happens to bump into the thief in question walking down the street. He chases and finally corners him, but the thief refuses to confess anything and his family and friends defend him from the furious Antonio. The cops arrive, and yet again, they are of no help. They can’t do anything for Antonio as he has no concrete evidence of the crime. Pushed to the final point of desperation, Antonio realizes he has no choice left but to stoop to the lowest level and steal a bike if he doesn’t want his family to starve. He tries to snatch one but is almost immediately taken down by witnesses and held until the police arrive. Seeing Antonio’s son distraught and in tears, the man doesn’t press charge and lets him off the hook. Antonio and his son walk off, both of them in tears, completely hopeless and beaten by society at every turn. This is what Italian Neorealism is all about. For millions upon millions of people living in poverty, real life doesn’t have a happy end. No matter how hard you struggle, sometimes there’s ultimately nothing you can do to alter your fate. And The Bicycle Thief really shows an extremely poignant example of this in the small vignette of Antonio’s life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dangerous Secrets Exposed in Susan Griffins Our Secret Essay -- Susan

Dangerous Secrets Exposed in Griffin's Our Secret    Secrets are apart of every human being. Even children, in their earliest years in this world, learn how to bury secrets in their hearts. In Susan Griffin's "Our Secret," she explores the subconscious, aiming particularly at the dark secrets that lie in the abyss of the human heart. Griffin claims that the darkest secrets of each person are similar in the sense that these secrets are perverted and prejudiced thoughts. These concealed evils are so deeply imbedded that people forget or choose to forget the existence of these malicious thoughts. However, these are often the thoughts that will encourage a person to take to violence. Griffin believes that people share similar forms of hidden desires, biases, and savageness. The effects of keeping these evil human characteristics deeply buried also have similar effects on the different individuals. Even the way of countering the negative effects caused by these locked up secrets are common among the "family" and the "statesman and bombers." 1 Although each person has an element of individuality, people are not all that different from one another in their basic desires. Everyone is a product of the "DNA molecule," and everyone has been a "fertilized egg" (Our Secret 363, 365). There are numerous traits shared by everyone, and one of which is people's capacity to have and hide their perverted thoughts. Everyone is capable of having depraved thoughts, and these thoughts are not so different from one person to another. Griffin's grandfather keeps "a stack of magazines" of "women or girls uncovered in ditches, hacked to pieces or other wise mutilated" that he does not allow Griffin to look at (335). These magazines indicate that Gr... ...o realized too late. Like Griffin says, "family secrets mingle with the secrets of statesman and bomber" in the sense that the secrets may vary among individuals in context, but many different secrets share the same effect on people. These secrets and desires that people keep inside are dangerous sources of violence and malice, and there is virtually no way to be rid of these hidden evils. People may often be provoked to hurt, and these are the times when people need to look into their anger and see the pain that they can cause by releasing their rage physically. This is perhaps the only way to stop violence in a person, whether he is just a simple man, the president, or an emperor. Works Cited: Griffin, Susan. â€Å"Our Secret†. Ways of Reading Eds. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Sixth edition. Boston. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biology Lab

Lab   #1   ? Introduction   to   the   Microscopy   & Observation   of   Prokaryotic   and   Eukaryotic Cells Introduction Many   of   the   cells   and   organisms   that   you   will   be   studying   are   at   the   lower   limits   of   visibility   of   light   microscopes;   therefore,   it   is   extremely   important   that   you   attain   critical   lighting   and   focussing. It   is   also   important   to   handle   the   microscope   competently   to   avoid   damaging   either   the   microscope   or   the   preparation   you   are   studying. Even   students   who   have   previously   used   microscopes  should  read  the  instructions  carefully. Guide  Biolabo Using a web rowser, go to   the   following   web   site: http://salinella. bio. uottawa. ca/biolabo/   (you   can   try   it   from   home). Under   Microscopy   you   will   find   links   to   pages   that   describe   both   type   of   microscopes   you   will   use   this   semester,   as   well   as   how   to   set   up   and   use   them. It   is   strongly   recommended   that   you   visit   these   pages   prior   to   attending  your  first  lab. Image  J  /  Qcapture Although   you   can   make   all   your   observations   by   watching   directly   through   the   oculars,   it   also   can   be   done   on   the   computer   screen   using   the   digital   camera   attached   to   each   microscope.For   that,   you   will   use   the   Image   J   program   together   with   a   capture   plugin called   Qcapture. Visit   the   lab   website   to   learn   how   to   use   Image   J   (link   on   the   homepage). All   observations   can   be   made   on   your  computer   screen   or   in   the   oculars. Each   method   has   its   advantages   and   drawbacks;   you   will   have   to   choose   which   one  it  more  appropriate  (or  the  one  you  prefer): Oculars Screen ? Greater  resolution ? Wider  field  of  view ? Can  share  observation  with  others ? More  comfortable  for  users ? Take  pictures  while  observing Lab1  ? Microscopy The  Compound  Microscope On   the   Guide   Biolabo   page   click   on   the   CX41   Compound   Microscope   link   then   on   Parts   and   Function. This   will   bring   up   a   labelled   line   diagram   of   your   microscope. Familiarize   yourself   with   the   various   components   shown   in   this   figure. Then,   click   on   Setup   and   Bright   field   alignment   in   order   to   know  how  to  use  and  handle  the  microscope. Now,   locate   your   compound   microscope   in   the   cupboard   below   the   sink   of   your   workstation. Place   it   on   the   counter   between   the omputer   and   the   end  of  the  counter. Be  sure  that  whenever  you  transport  the  microscope,  it   is   always   kept   upright;   the   ocular   lens   will   fall   out   if   the   scope   is   tilted   or   swung. Even   though   you   don’t   need   the   dissecting   microscope   right   now,   take   it   out  of  the  cupboard  and  install  it  beside  the  compound  microscope. Connect   one   firewire   cable   to   each   of   the   cameras   installed   on   top   of   the   microscopes. This  way,  everything  is  setup  for  further  observations  both  on   your  computer  screen  and  through  the  oculars. Parts  of  the  compound  microscopeThe   microscope   consists   of   a   system   of   lenses,   a   light   source,   and   a   geared   mechanism   for   adjusting   the   distance   between   the   lens   system   and   object   being   observed. There   are   a   number   of   important   components   and   it   is   essential   that   you   be   able   to   identify   them   and   understand   their   function   before  you  can  proceed. By  going  through  the  different  modules  in  Biolabo   and   using   the   microscope   you   will   develop   a   competency   for   bright   field   microscopy. Identify   the   following   components   using   Biolabo   (Parts   andà ‚   functions   figure)  and  your  microscope:REVOLVING  NOSEPIECE:  Supports  the  various  objectives  ? You  will  only  use   the  4x,  10x  and  40x  objectives  in  the  BIO1140  labs  (not  the  100x). STAGE:   Supports   the   specimen   being   observed. A   system   of   knobs   on   the   side   of   the   stage   allows   you   to   move   the   specimen   under   the   objective   on   the  X  and  Y  axes. Try  and  move  the  stage. COARSE   FOCUS   KNOB:   Permits   rapid   change   in   distance   between   the   specimen   and   the   objective   thereby   allowing   for   rough   focussing   –   Do   not   use  when  focusing  with  the  40x  objectiveFINE   FOCUS   KNOB:   Permits   small   changes   in   distance   between   the   specimen   and   the   obje ctive   and   thereby   allows   for   final   focussing   of   the   image. 10 Lab1  ? Microscopy OCULAR   OR   EYEPIECE:   A   magnifying   element   in   the   microscope,   usually   10X. It   is   through   the   ocular,   or   eyepiece   that   one   looks   at   the   specimen. All   our   microscopes   are   parfocal,   so   that   when   an   object   is   in   focus   with   one   objective,   the   focus   will   not   be   completely   lost   when   changing   to   the   next  objective. OBJECTIVES:  The  magnifying  element  which  is  closest  to  the  specimen.See   figure  1  to  find  out  about  the  engravings  on  the  side  of  each  objective. CONDENSER:   System   of   lenses   that   concentrates   the   light   furnished   by   the   illuminator. It  does  not  magnif y  the  object. CONDENSER   HEIGHT   ADJUSTMENT   KNOB:   Allows   one   to   focus   the   concentrated  light  onto  the  specimen. APERTURE  IRIS  DIAPHRAGM:  Used  to  reduce  glare  from  unwanted  light  by   adjusting  the  angle  of  the  cone  of  light  that  comes  from  the  condenser; Production  of  Image  by  a  Compound  Microscope The   most   important   part   of   a   microscope   is   the   objective.All   the   other   parts  of  the  instrument  are  designed  to  help  the  objective  produce  the  best   possible  image. The  best  image  is  not  the  largest;  it  is  the  clearest. There  is   no   value   to   a   high   magnification. If   the   resolution   is   poor   you   will   have   no   better  understanding  of  the  specimen. light  beam ocularà ‚  lens Magnification Numerical  aperture  (NA) Determines   the   resolving power  of  the  objective* Optical   tube   length   /   max. coverslip  thickness  in  mm prism objective  lens specimen condenser  lens Figure  1:  Objectives  engravings light  sourceFigure  2:  Image  production  in  a  compound  microscope. 11 Lab1  ? Microscopy *Resolving  power  is  the  ability  to  see  two  objects  that  are  very  close  as  two   separate  objects. The  human  eye  will  resolving  power  is  about  100 µm. Using  the  compound  microscope Always   handle   the   microscope   GENTLY! It   is   an   expensive,   delicate   and   heavy   instrument. Carry   it   with   two   hands,   one   hand   on   the   arm,   and   the   other   hand   under   the   base. If   the   ocular   or   objective   is   dir ty,   wipe   it   clean   using   ONLY   Kimwipes   or   special   lens   tissue   and   cleaning   fluid   supplied.If   you   use   anything   else   you   may   scratch   the   lens. Wipe   up   any   cleaning   fluid   immediately;   otherwise   it   will   dissolve   the   glue   which   holds   the   lens   in   place. REMEMBER,  your  demonstrator  is  here  to  help,  so†¦ ASK! 1. Make   sure   that   the   power   cord   is   plugged   into   the   back   of   your   microscope  and  into  a  power  outlet. 2. Using  the  letter  Ã¢â‚¬Å"e†Ã‚  microscope  slide  provided,  follow  steps  2  through  13   in   the   Setup   and   Bright   field   alignment   procedure   of   Biolabo. Remember,   observation  can  be  done  on  screen  or  through  the  oculars. Orientation  an d  working  distance . Starting   your   examination   with   the   4X   objective,   position   the   letter   â€Å"e†Ã‚   slide  on  the  stage. 2. Draw  what  you  see  in  the  microscope:_________________ 3. What  would  a  slide  with  the  letter  Ã¢â‚¬Å"t†Ã‚  look  like  under  the  microscope? _________________ 4. Using  the  knobs  located  on  the  side  of  the  stage  and  looking  through  the   microscope,   move   the   slide   slowly   to   the   right,   then   to   the   left. Record   your  observations. ___________________________________   5. Now,   move   the   slide   slowly   away   from   you,   then   towards   you   while   observing  through  the  microscope.Record  your  observations   ____________________________________ 6. Focus  on  the  slide  at  10X. Check  the  dist ance  between  the  objective  lens   and  your  slide  (=  the  working  distance,  see  also  the  reference  at  the  end  of   this   chapter). Now   switch   to   the   40X   objective   and   check   the   working   distance. What   happens   to   the   working   distance   as   your   magnification   increases? 12 Lab1  ? Microscopy Depth  of  field  (depth  of  focus) Lenses   have   a   depth   of   focus. It   is   the   number   of   planes   in   which   an   object   appears   to   be   in   focus.Extend   your   fist   at   arm’s   length   in   front   of   you   and   hold   your   thumb   up. Concentrate   on   your   thumb   and   notice   that   the   objects  past  your  thumb  on  the  other  side  of  the  room  are  not  clearly  seen. Similarly   withà ‚   a   microscope,   when   it   is   focussed   on   one   surface,   the   surfaces  lower  or  higher  will  be  out  of  focus. 1. Position   a   prepared   slide   with   coloured   threads   upon   the   stage. At   low   power,  4X,  focus  on  the  area  where  the  threads  cross. 2. Using  the  fine  focus  adjustment,  focus  up  and  down  slowly. 3. Repeat   using   different   objectives.What   can   you   say   about   the   depth   of   field   at   different   magnifications? Has   it   increased   or   decreased? (i. e. ,   can   you  see  more  threads  in  one  focal  plane  at  4X  or  40X? ) ____________________________________________________________ Magnification The  magnification  given  by  objectives  and  oculars  is  engraved  on  them. The   total   magnification   for   any   combination   of   objective   and   ocular   is   the   product  of  the  magnification  of  each  lens. Objective  magnification Ocular  magnification Total  Magnification Light  intensity Working  distance 4x 10x 40x High 22mm 10x 10x 100xMedium 10. 5mm 40x 10x 400x Low 0. 56mm Table1   . Comparison   magnification,   working   distance   and   brightness   at   three   different   objective  magnifications. You  also  can  calculate  the  magnification  of  your  picture  using  the  following   formula: Magnification  factor=  measured  size  of  object  =  (  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  X) Actual  size  of  object 13 Lab1  ? Microscopy Specimen   size   and   Magnification   of the  picture Before   you   start   this   exercise,   make   sure   you   have   carefully   read   the   website   section   rele vant   to   the   software   you   will   use   to   take   digital   pictures  (ImageJ/Qcapture).The   goal   of   this   section   is   to   teach   you   different   techniques   that   will   allow   you   to   determine   the   size   of   objects   you’re   observing   under   the   microscope. The   general   principle   is   fairly   simple:   2   objects   have   the   same   relative   size   (expressed   as   a   ratio)   in   the   real   world   and   under   the   microscope. actual  size  of  object  A  Ã‚  Ã‚  =  on? screen  size  of  object  A  Ã‚  ? A1  =  A2     actual  size  of  object  B  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  on? screen  size  of  object  B  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B2 The  following  exercises  are  applications   of  this  formula. Place  a  sli de  under   the   microscope.Choose   the   right   objective   and   adjust   the   focus   and   light   level. Then,  choose  a  structure  you  want  to  measure  and  take  a  picture. A? First   method:   Measuring   an   object   using   the   field   of   view  (FOV): The   simplest   way   to   determine   the   size   of   an   object   is   to   use   the   known   size  of  the  whole  field  of  view  (FOV,  the  whole  picture  from  left  to  right). 1? On   the   computer   screen   (using   a   ruler   and   without   writing   anything   of   the  screen),  measure  the  object  of  which  you  want  to  determine  the  size  (=   A2) 2? Then,  measure  the  width  of  the  whole  picture  on  the  screen  (=B2). ? Refer   to   table   2   on   page   20   to   know   the   actual   size   of   the   field   of   view   for  the  objective  you’re  using  (=B1) 4? Use  the  following  formula: Actual  size  of  the  object  (A1)  =  Actual  size  of  the  FOV  (B1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  x  Ã‚  Ã‚  on? screen  size  of  the  object  (A2) on? screen  size  of  the  FOV  (B2) Example:   On   a   snapshot   using   the   4x   objective,   an   insect   has   an   on? screen   length  of  10cm. The  whole  picture  is  20cm  wide. What  is  the  actual  size  of  the  insect? ______________________________ 14 Lab1  ? Microscopy B? Second   method:   Measuring   an   object   using   a   scale   bar  file:From   Image   J   (using   the   file   /   open   command),   open   the   file   that   contains   the   relevant   scale   bar   in   the    (T:/BIO/BIO1140):   new10X. jpg   for   the   10x   objective,  and  new40X. jpg  (for  the  4x  and  40x  objectives). Then,   using   a   ruler   measure   the   following   distances   directly   on   the   computer  screen: 1? The   on? screen   length   (or   width)   of   the   object   whose   size   you   wish   to   determine  (=A2) 2? The  width  of  the  scale  bar  on  the  screen  (=B2)   You  now  can  calculate  the  actual  size  of  the  object  using  the  formula: actual  size  of  object  =  on? creen  length  of  object  Ã‚  x  Ã‚  actual  size  of  scale  bar*        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  on? screen  length  of  scale  bar ?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A1  =  A2  x  B1 B2 *The   actual   size   of   the   scale   bar   is   indicated   on   the   scale   bar   file   (ex:   on   the   new10x. jpg   file,  the  bar  represents  0. 2mm  at  10x  or  0. 02mm  at  100x)  =  B1 Example:  I  took  a  picture  of  a  small  insect  larva,  using  the  4x  objective. The   larva   length   is   60mm   on   the   screen. The   scale   bar   on   the   new40x. jpg   is   30mm  and  represents  0. 2mm. What  is  the  actual  size  of  the  larva? _________________________Do  not  put  the  compound  microscope  back  in  the  cupboard  you  will  need  it   later  this  afternoon. Points  to  remember  concerning  microscopes 1. Always   work   with   a   clean   microscope. Use   only   the   lens   paper   provided. Don't  forget  to  clean  the  slide  too! 2. Always   locate   the   specimen   under   low   power   and   work   your   way   up   to   the  high  power  objective. 3. Never   use   the   coarse   focusing   knob   when   the   high   power   lens   is   in   position. Use  only  the  fine  focus  knob. 4. Never  use  the  100x  in  1st  year  labs  (we  didn’t  teach  you  how)   5.Always   readjust   illumination   whenever   you   change   the   objective. Too   much  light  will  give  you  a  blurry  image  that  you  cannot  focus  on. 15 Lab1  ? Microscopy The  stereoscopic  microscope (dissecting  microscope) The   stereoscopic   microscope,   also   called   stereoscope   or   dissecting   microscope,   is   used   to   view   objects   that   are   too   large   or   too   thick   to   observe  under  the  comp ound  microscope. Stereo   microscopes   are   always   equipped   with   two   oculars   producing   a   stereoscopic   or   three? dimensional   image. Unlike   the   compound   microscope,  the  image  is  not  inverted.Our   stereo   microscopes   provide   magnification   in   the   range   of   6. 7X   ? 45X   using   a   zoom? type   lens   system. By   rotating   a   dial   located   on   the   right   side   of   the   stereo   microscope   head,   the   viewer   obtains   a   continuous   change   of   magnification. Our   stereo   microscopes   can   be   used   with   reflected   or   transmitted   light. Reflected   light   is   directed   unto   opaque   specimens   from   above   and   is   reflected   to   the   viewer. Transmitted   light   is   used   with   translucent   specimens   and   passes   through   the   specimen   from   beneath   the   stage   and   into  the  viewer's  eyes.Use  of  the  stereoscopic  microscope 1. On   the   Biolabo   home   page   left   click   on   Stereoscope   (Dissecting   microscope)  and  then  on  Stereoscope  setup. 2. Click  on  Step  1  and  read  it  carefully. Obtain  a  stereo  microscope  from  the   same  cupboard  as  your  compound  microscope  if  you  haven’t  yet. 3. Click  on  and  read  steps  2  through  7. 4. Place  a  coin  on  the  stage. 5. Using   the   focussing   knob   on   either   side   of   the   arm,   lower   or   raise   the   objective   until   the   coin   is   in   focus. Examine   it   in   both   reflected   and   transmitted  light.Which   is   best   for   an   opaque   specimen? Try   t he   various   magnifications   by   turning   the   zoom   knob. The   reflected   light source   is   similar   to   a   spotlight   and  its  orientation  can  be  adjusted  manually. Try  rotating  the  light  upwards   and  downwards. 6. Examine  other  materials  such  as  brine  shrimp  larvae  (Artemia)  in  a  watch   glass   using   both   reflected   and   transmitted   light. Add   1? 2   drops   of   â€Å"proto? slow†Ã‚   solution   to   slow   down   the   larvae. Estimate   the   actual   size   of   one   larva:  __________ 16 Lab1  ? Microscopy Prokaryotic  and  Eukaryotic  cellsIt   has   long   been   recognized   that   living   organisms   are   composed   of   basic   structural   and   functional   units   called   cells. Cells   can   be   divided   into   two   general   type s:   prokaryotic   and   eukaryotic,   based   on   the   presence   of   a   nucleus  and  other  membrane  bound  organelles  in  the  latter. Prokaryotic   cells   belong   to   2   big   groups:   archaea   and   eubacteria. They   are   usually   smaller   than   eukaryotic   cells   (typically   1? 5 µm). These   unicellular   organisms  may  be  small,  but  they  are  the  most  abundant  organisms  on  the   planet,   representing   about   half   the   biomass   (Biology,   Brooker   et   al. 010,   McGraw? Hill&Ryerson). They   are   devoid   of   membrane   bound   organelle   such   as   the   nucleus,   mitochondria   or   chloroplasts. Their   genetic   material   is   usually   composed   of   one   circular   chromosome   plus   other   extra   chromosomal  elements  called  plasmids. Euka ryotic   cells   are   usually   much   larger. They   possess   a   membrane   bound   nucleus,   their   organelles   are   more   complex   and   numerous,   and   their   genome   is   larger   than   prokaryotes. Eukaryotic   organisms   can   be   uni? or   multicellular. You   will   have   a   chance   to   observe   many   eukaryotic   cells   during  this  semester:  Amoeba,  Lilly,  Whitefish†¦.In   today's   exercise   you   will   take   a   first   look   at   the   similarities   and   differences   between   prokaryotic   and   eukaryotic   cells   as   well   as   the   diversity  within  these  groups. You   should   familiarize   yourselves   with   a   whole   array   of   cellular   structures   and   organelles   you   will   probably   encounter   during   the   course   of   this   exercise. Before   your   scheduled   lab   session,   write   down   the   definition   and   function  for  each  of  the  following  terms:  plasma  (cell)  membrane,  cell  wall,   protoplast,  cytoplasm,  vacuoles,  nucleus,  nucleolus  and  chloroplasts.Eukaryotic  Cells:  Elodea  (plant) 1? Get   a   young   green   Elodea   leaf   from   the   jar. Mount   it   in   a   drop   of   water   on   a   clean   microscope   slide   with   the   convex   side   of   the   leaf   uppermost. Cover  the  preparation  with  a  coverslip. 2? Observe   the   preparation   at   4X,   then   at   10X. If   you   see   brownish   oval   structures   on   the   leaf   surface,   ignore   then. These   are   probably   epiphytic   diatoms. Concentrate  your  attention  on  the  cells  near  the  cent ral  rib  at  the   base  of  the  leaf  and  on  the  marginal  cells  at  the  edge  of  the  leaf. Can  you  distinguish  several  layers  making  up  the  leaf? ____ ? What   is   the   average   length   ______   and   width   ______   of   the   cells   in   micrometres? 17 Lab1  ? Microscopy 3? Focussing  at  40X  locate  the  cell  wall,  the  vacuole,  the  cytoplasm  and  the   numerous  green  chloroplasts. ? What   important   biological   process   takes   place   in   the   chloroplasts? _____________________________________ ? What  pigment  is  responsible  for  their  green  colouration? ________________________________________________ ? What  is  the  shape  of  chloroplasts? ____________________________________________ ? Are  the  chloroplasts  moving? What  sort  of  movement? ____________________________ _____________________ ? The  phenomenon  you  are  observing  is  called  cytoplasmic  streaming   or   cyclosis. What   do   you   think   the   function   of   such   a   process   could   be? ___________________________________________________ 4? You   have   probably   realised   that   the   plasma   membrane   cannot   be   seen   in   plant   cells. It   is   too   thin   to   be   resolved   with   the   compound   microscope.In   order   to   see   the   true   limiting   boundary   of   the   cytoplasm   it   is   necessary   to   treat   the   cells   in   such   a   manner   that   the   plasma   membrane   becomes   withdrawn   away   from   the   rigid   cell   wall. This   can   be   done   by   placing   the   cell   in   a   strong   salt   solution. This   will   cause   water   toà ‚   diffuse   out   of   the   cell   by   osmosis,   thereby   decreasing   the   cell   volume. The   unaffected   cell   wall remains  in  its  original  state. What  can  then  be  seen  is  a  space  between  the   cell  wall  and  the  limiting  boundary  of  the  protoplast  (the  cell  minus  the  cell   wall)  which  thereby  becomes  visible. Remove   your   Elodea   slide   from   the   microscope   stage. Delicately   remove   the   coverslip,   add   one   drop   of   5%   NaCl   solution   then   put   back  the  coverslip  on  your  preparation ? Refocus   at   40x   (don't   forget:   you   must   first   focus   at   4X,   then   10X   and  finally  at  40x). ? Are   the   cells   plasmolyzed? (If   not   wait   a   while   longer). How   do   they   look  like  now? __ ____________________ ? Has  the  cell  wall  been  affected? _________________   ? What   becomes   of   the   large   central   vacuole   during   plasmolysis? ______  _______________________________________________ Take  a  picture  of  a  plasmolyzed  Elodea  cell. How  does  it  compare  to   the  previous  picture? 18 Lab1  ? Microscopy Prokaryotic  Cells:  Lyngbya  (eubacteria:  cyanobacteria)   1. Take   a   close   look   at   the   sample   in   the   jar. Which   colour   would   best   describe  its  appearance? ___________________ 2. Prepare  a  wet  mount  of  fresh  Lyngbya  by  the  following  procedure:   ? With   forceps   or   an   eye   dropper,   put   a   very   small   amount   of   green   matter  on  a  clean  slide ? Add  a  drop  of  water  from  the  jar. ? Carefully   place   a   co verslip   over   it. Make   sure   it   lies   flat   on   the   preparation.Don't   worry   if   there   are   just   a   few   air   bubbles. With   practice,   your   skills   will   improve. However,   if   too   many   air   bubbles   are   present,   your   preparation   risks   to   dry   out   very   quickly   during   viewing,  compromising  your  observations. 3. Starting  with  the  4X  objective,  focus  on  your  preparation. ? Can  you  see  numerous  green  filaments? _______ ? Are  the  filaments  moving? __________ 4. Switch  to  the  10X  then  the  40X  objective  and  focus  using  the  fine  focus   knob  only: ? Do  you  see  the  individual  cells  making  up  each  filament? ________ ? Estimate  the  width  of  one  filament  in  micrometres:_______ What’s  the  filamentà ‚  width  in  millimetres  (mm)? ________ ? REMEMBER:   You   are   working   with   living   cells. Work   quickly   and   keep   your   specimen   wet   at   all   times. Dead,   dry   or   damaged   biological  preparations  are  useless. Returning  the  microscopes  after  use After   completing   all   observations,   turn   and   click   the   low   power   objective   (4X)  on  the  compound  microscope  into  position. Remove  the  slide  from  the  stage  and  return  it  to  its  correct  box. Wipe  the  stages  with  a  clean  paper  towel. Carefully  disconnect  the  camera  from  the  firewire  cable.Make   sure   you   turned   off   the   light   on   each   microscope,   then   unplug   the   power  cord  and  make  a  loose  coil  of  it  around  the  eyepieces. Return  the  microscope  in  the  cupboard. 19 Lab1  ? Microscopy TAs   will   check   that   you   properly   returned   the   microscopes   in   the cupboard   with  the  cord  properly  attached  and  no  slide  present  on  the   stage. You   will   lose  marks  for  this  lab  (and  other  labs)  if  you  don’t  do  so. Evaluation A   short   quiz   on   microscope   components,   specimen   observations   and   measurement  of  objects  will  take  place  at  the  beginning  of  Lab2.Be  on  time,  the  quiz  will  start  at  2:30. References: 1? Metric  system  (see  also  appendix  IV  at  the  end  of  lab  manual):   1  centimetre  cm  =  10? 2  metres  (m) 1  millimetre  mm  =  10? 3  metres 1  micrometre  ? m  =  10? 6  metres 1  nanometre  nm  =  10? 9  metres 2? Size  of   camera  field  of  views  (fov): Table  2:  Fields  of  View:  Olympus  CX41  Compound  Microscope   Objective 4X 10X 40X 100X Camera  field  of  view (width  in  mm) 1. 75 0. 70 0. 175 0. 070 Table  3:  Fields  of  View  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Olympus  SZ61TR  Dissecting  Microscope   Zoom  Setting 0. 67X 0. 8X 1X

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Native Americans and Early American Colonists

Native American and Early American Colonists Grade school and even beginning level college history classes have taught early American exploration from a largely one sided view of the conflict between early explorers and Native Americans. The traditional image of the Native Americans as the sole victims, is an oversimplification of the conflict that existed between early explorers, settlers and Native Americans. Through the readings from Columbus, Bradford and some selected Native American writings, the traditional view of the Native American victim will be challenged and a broader view of the conflict will be presented.Columbus set out to explore a new land under the Spanish flag to bring riches and fame to Spain and the throne. In his letter to Santangel, Columbus (1493) explained how he hoped to find â€Å"great cities† and â€Å"king[s]† but instead found a primitive people and settlements he described as â€Å"small hamlets† that he viewed quite devolved from the bustling civilizations of Europe (pg. 26). One can clearly see, that Columbus’s hopes of finding rich kingdoms and cultures were dashed; instead his presence was met with resistance from the â€Å"Indians†.This relationship with the natives was described by Baym et. all (2008) as â€Å"disordered and bloody† (pg. 25). These natives were mistreated even though one could argue that they â€Å"threw the first punch† but, as Baym et. all (2008) describes earlier in the chapter, the Natives were not merely victims. They strategically used alliances with explorers and settlers to further their own interests and disputes with warring tribes and peoples. William Bradford (1897) describes quite a different account of his coming to the new world. He was part of a group of â€Å"pilgrims† seeking religious freedom.He likens their arrival to the new world, to the story in Acts were the apostles are met with such aggression from barbarians â€Å"who were readier to fill their sides full of arrows† (pg. 60). Later on in his account, he describes an attack they received from the natives he described as â€Å"enemies† (pg. 64). Later on in his account, Bradford (1897) describes some awful events surrounding early accounts of settler and native interactions in which the Native Americans treated the english as â€Å"worse than slaves† and were sent around and â€Å"ma[d]e sport with† (pg. 70).One last important viewpoint to give credence to is that of the Natives themselves. This account is unique and oftentimes not told. The first story mentioned is that of the freeing of John Smith as a ceremonial act that the natives hoped would earn them respect from the English. This instead had the opposite effect and eventually brought about an attack from the natives which killed over 500 colonists. In a speech from Pontiac (1763) he expresses concern over his people forgetting their heritage and blaming the English for the polluting of his people’s culture and beliefs.He holds the English in complete responsibility and calls for their blood. The traditional view of the natives as the sole victim is an oversimplification of the problems revolving around immigration and cultural diversity. Just from these three personal accounts from the time period we have three very different views of the issue. So, to say that one peoples are the victim is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of history. Columbus, C. (1493). Letter to Luis de Santagel Regarding the First Voyage. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. pp. 24-28). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Bradford, W. (1897). Of Plymouth Plantation. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 57-74). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Pontiac (1763). Speech at Detroit. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 208-209). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 1-218). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


SAGA VENEZUELEAN BOLIVAR FUERTE Essays SAGA VENEZUELEAN BOLIVAR FUERTE Essay SAGA VENEZUELEAN BOLIVAR FUERTE Essay The saga of the Venezuelea Bolivar Fuerte QI : Why must a countrys currency must be devaluated? What is failing in the economy? First, the reason would be for stimulating the exports of goods=> more money in the country push the production, economy in general and employment rate and set premises for economic growth. Somewhere between 92 and 94% of export income in Venezuela comes from oil, and the money obtained heavily contribute to the local manufacturing development, and agriculture. By not pushing into this direction the predictable result will be that everything continues to be imported with US dollars => increase in prices => inflation ecurring devaluations. A steep devaluation of a country currency, would be a signal for foreigners to stop investing in the country due to speculations and uncertainty=> push interest rates for loans => increase unemployment and that leads to recession= > devaluation of the currency is not, by far, the best way to improve the economy. Q2: What benefit did the Venezuelean regime in power gain from the repeated devaluation of the bolivar? Venezuelan government devalued its bolivar currency several times between 2005 2010 but in 2011 also cut the preferential rates for food,medicine, and heavy achinery that enjoyed a preferential FX rate: 1BsF = 2. 60/$. The intentaion might be the stimulation of the local production instead of relaying heavily on imports. Although let out of controll the the devaluaton leads straight to years of recession. Venezuelean regime might also devaluing the BsF to avoid to take the inflationary hit (2011) although unfair for the population that was constrainted to accept a brutal increase in all prices, especially the ones for the ordinary food and medicine. The weeks before the devaluation, all the market was in shortages of everything and rices in a matter of a week have gone up six times. Tomatoes, were 5 BsF/ kilo at the local outdoor markets (known as the cheap place to buy fresh food ) and a week later theyd gone up 30 BsF/ kilo (from roughly $1. 5 to $7). l think the business community knew this was coming. Also people speculates that the stores and supermarkets owners held back the merchandise when rumors about devaluation burst and after prices increased they there is no shortage of anything next week if you can afford to pay the prices. Q3: By the time you read this you will know whether the analysts predicting the uture of the bolivar were correct. How did they do? Venezuela devalued its currency for the fifth time in 9 years, between 2003-2012 as President Hugo Chavez seeked to narrow a widening fiscal gap and reduce a shortage of dollars in the economy. The new exchange rate falls by 32% to 6. 3 Bolivar per dollar starting February 2013. The devaluation helped to reduce the budget deficit by increasing the amount of Bolivar the government receives from exports, especially oil. Venezuelas fiscal gap widened to 11% of GDP in 2012 from 4% in 2011, according to Moodys. Annual inflation accelerated to 22. in January, the fastest pace in eight months, led by a Jump in food prices. Prices decreased by 3. 3% in January after rising 3. 5% in December 2012. In the black market, the Bolivar weakened 6% to 19. 53 BsF per $, according to Lechuga Verde, a website that tracks the rates. The devaluation of the Bolivar created frustration and anger not only among the population and the politicians against Chavez, so called Opposition but even financial analys ts and newspapers pro Chavez agreed that devaluation of the Bolivar is a betrayal of the Bolivarian Revolution . Some opines that the betrayal consists in the government not having consulted with the people on the matter beforehand, especially after the people came out to support Chavez and the Bolivarian Process in October 2012 elections. Chavez was not elected President in 2013 but Nicolas Maduro former Minister of Foregin Affairs and Vice President won the elections. (Apr 2013) However population is not over yet the outrage of the devaluation and vote of punishment for the new president is not out of the question, said the analysts. Source: Internet, website articles Lechuga Verde [News

Monday, October 21, 2019

Herbie Hancock essays

Herbie Hancock essays If not for the amazing reign of Miles Davis, pianist Herbie Hancock might qualify as jazz's most well-known, popular performer since the '60s. Hancock had 11 albums chart during the '70s and 17 between 1973 and 1984, including three in 1974, figures that puts him well ahead of any other jazz musician in the '70s and beyond. He's also among jazz's finest eclectics, having played everything from bebop to free, jazz-rock, fusion, funk, instrumental pop, dance, hip-hop and world fusion. Hancock's style, greatly influenced by Bill Evans, mixes introspective and energetic elements, and fuses blues and gospel influences with bebop and classical elements. He's both a great accompanist and excellent soloist, whose vocals, phrasing, melodic and interpretative skills and harmonic sounds were impressive early in his career, and remain sharp no matter what style or idiom he's working with. Herbie Hancock, born in 1940, began playing piano at his home in Chicago when he was seven years old. He gave his first public performance two years later, when he performed Mozart's D Major Piano Concerto with the Chicago Symphony when he was 11, and in high school he picked up an ear for jazz. He formed his own jazz ensemble while attending Hyde Park High School. He was influenced harmonically by the arrangements of Clare Fischer, who provided for The Hi-Los and Robert Farnon's orchestrations of pop songs. After he graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa, he moved to New York City and at age 20, hooked up with trumpeter Donald Byrd. Byrd introduced him to Blue Note Records executives, and Hancock recorded his first solo album in 1963, Taking Off, which included appearances by Freddie Hubbard and Dexter Gordon. This album contained Hancock's first Top 10 hit, Watermelon Man. Soon after, Hancock got the attention of the legendary Miles Davis, who invited Hancock to join his new group. While working with Miles, Hancock was introduced to ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Anthropology. translation missing

Anthropology. AnthropologyAnthropology   refers   to   the   study of   human   beings   and   their   cultures.   This   study   cuts   across   the   natural   sciences,   humanities   as   well   as   the   social   sciences.   The main   focus   of   the   study   is   to   investigate   the   origin   of   man (Willigen, 1993).   It   deals   with   the   origins   of   homo   sapiens,   homo   sapiens   characteristics,   behavior,   how   evolutionary   past  Ã‚  Ã‚   of   homo   sapiens  Ã‚   affects   its   social   organization   as   well   as   culture   and   the   reason   for   differences   among   different   groups   of   people.   Anthropology   basically   has   four   subfields:   archaeology,   cultural/ social   anthropology,   linguistic   anthropology   and   physical/ biological   anthropology   (Strauss, 1963). Archaeology   is   a   subfield   that   is   concerned   with   the   study   of  Ã‚   the   material   remains   of   various   artifacts  Ã‚   such   as   buildings,   tools, and   pottery   of   different   communities.   This   study   aims   at   establishing   the   cultures   as well   as   the   cultural   evolution   of these   societies (Willigen, 1993).   The   professionals   involved   in   this   study   are   referred to   as   anthropological   archaeologists.   They   mostly   focus   on   the   prehistoric   cultures   since   they   have   not   been   documented   as   well   as   early   animal   domestication   and   metal   use (Willigen, 1993).  Ã‚   Anthropological   archaeologists  Ã‚   mainly   attempt   to   establish   several   things   from   the   artifacts   they   collect. They   at tempt   to   establish   the social   dispensation   of   the   culture,   the   relationship   of   this   culture   with   others   in   the   area,   the   nature   of   the   physical   environment   of   that particular   area   as   well   as   the   animal   and   plant   resources   of   the   area,   if   the   culture   under study   engaged   in   domestication   of   animals   and   plants,   the   people’s  Ã‚   religion,   population   size,   health,   and   technology ,  Ã‚   causes   for   cultural collapse   and   finally   the   reasons   for   cultural   evolution/change(Willigen, 1993) .   Biological/   physical   evolution   on   the   other   hand   is   concerned   with   the   biological   aspect   of   people.  Ã‚   It   further   attempts   to   establish   how   the   biological   nature   of   human   beings   relates   to their   cultural   practices,   evolution   as   well   as   their   environment (Willigen, 1993).   This   subfield   is   further   divided   into   three   main   branches   which   are:  Ã‚   paleoanthropology,  Ã‚   primatology,   and   the   study   of   modern   variation   as   well as   adaptation of   human   beings (Strauss, 1963).   Paleoanthropology  Ã‚   is   basically   concerned   with   the   study   of   human   fossils   as   well   as   their   close   relatives   while   primatology   focuses   on the   study   of   primates   such   as   humans,   ap es,   monkeys   and prosimians (Willigen, 1993).   References Strauss, C. (1963). Structural   Anthropology.   London: Oxford   University   Press Willigen, J. (1993)   Applied   Anthropology.   London:   Oxford   University   Press

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ethical and Legal implications of lack of access to healthcare Case Study

Ethical and Legal implications of lack of access to healthcare - Case Study Example The high expectations of ensuring effective care to those suffering from acute illnesses have taken a toll on the health care system in the country due to shortage of available resources against the number of people in need of care. Allocation of scarce resources in the midst of increasing costs and unemployment has led to a series of debates among scholars regarding the role and impact of ethics in provision of health care services. Although various health care reforms have been initiated over the years, to ensure better care for the citizens, the nurses and other care givers are entrusted with an ethical responsibility to provide equitable and fair distribution of resources (White, Duncan, 2002). The ethical obligation to offer adequate and timely health care services across all classes of the society entails two key principles of health care which includes - the provision of fair and equal opportunities to all members of the society and to protect and safeguard the interests of th e vulnerable populations by providing them proper health care benefits. These principles seem to have eroded with time, on account of increasing costs of drugs, rise in health care expenditures, and the resulting cost-control measures arising out of the same. This has lead to serious negative implications on the society as a whole such as reduction in overall health of the citizens, reduction in employee productivity, and an increased burden on the health care system in terms of added costs among many others (Sulmasy, 1992). Although access to health care services is not an end to all health related problems, the equitable access to such services does however significantly increases the odds of attaining better health outcomes due to timely diagnosis and treatment. According to the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedicine and Behavioral Science Research Commission, one of the key ethical obligations of the society includes ensuring equal access to health care services. The commission states that "Equitable access to health care requires that all citizens be able to secure an adequate level of care without excessive burdens" (Millman 1993, Pp. 32). Legal Implications of lack of access to health care: There are wide ranging racial disparities in the United States with regard to health care, despite of stringent laws against such discrimination. However, such disparities exist on account of various reasons such as the vulnerabilities of people belonging to certain races such as African Americans and Hispanics who belong to low socio-economic backgrounds. According to The Civil Rights Act of 1964, any discrimination in provision of health care may lead to enforcement of legal action against the accused. Section 601 of Title VI states that "No person in the United States, shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity r eceiving federal financial assistance" (Williams 2007, pp. 180). This clearly indicates that law prohibits any kind of discrimination however preventing such discrimination poses a greater challenge, due to the various types of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and contrast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Compare and contrast - Research Paper Example To begin with, the integrative negotiation strategy is stipulated as expanding the agenda negotiation strategy. As the name suggests, it aims to expand the boundaries of the negotiation by bringing in new ideas and issues to the negotiation situation that did not previously exist. Through this strategy, the parties are able to trade issues that are less important to them while retaining the more relevant issues to them and hence achieve the outcome they needed in the negotiation (Hatfield, Agoglia & Sanchez, 2008). Problem solving approach is the second form of an integrative negotiation strategy. This is a learning approach that is mainly aimed at identifying the interests of the involved parties and gathering information aimed at coming up with new solutions to the involved parties in the negotiation situation. It is mainly applied in an auditing negotiation situation whereby the auditor uses additional information to safeguard his desired outcome while still giving the client an avenue to feel that his objective was also achieved (Hatfield, Agoglia & Sanchez, 2008). Integrative negotiation strategy can be applied in the work setting whereby both parties will lose heftily if an agreement is not reached and where one party does not have undue influence over the other. An example is in negotiation situation involving a manufacturer and a sole supplier of its raw commodities. The two parties need each other and hence problem solving or expanding the agenda using data collection will have to be employed to come up with a decision that favors both parties (Hatfield, Agoglia, & Sanchez, 2008). In contrast, a distributive negotiation strategy is achieved using the interplay of three principles; conceding, compromising or contending. When contending is applied in a negotiation situation, it is mainly aimed at making the other party comply or resisting

Mental Illness and Suicide in Juvenile Detention Facilities Research Paper

Mental Illness and Suicide in Juvenile Detention Facilities - Research Paper Example Department of Justice, 2009). A study conducted in California revealed that close to 32 percent of detained male juveniles had post-traumatic stress disorder (Hayes, 2009). The study also found that these youths experienced high levels of distress, depression and anxiety while exhibiting lower degrees of impulse control, restraint, and suppression of aggression (Hayes, 2009). Another study conducted in Mississippi established that at least 66 percent of detained juveniles had mental disorders, with more than half suffering from multiple mental disorders such as substance abuse and conduct disorders (Hayes, 2009). Through the study, Hayes (2009) noticed that 60 percent of the youths detained in juvenile correction centers in Virginia had mental health treatment needs. This situation was similar in Georgia where it was reported that about 61 percent of the juveniles in correction centers had mental problems (Samaha, 2005). The following are the statistics related to the disorders that U.S. youths in juvenile detention facilities experience. Between 50% and 90 % experience conduct disorders, 46 % attention disorders, 6-41 % anxiety disorders, 25-50 % substance abuse, 32-78 % affective disorder, 1-6 % psychotic disorders, and 50 % co-occurring mental disorder and substance abuse disorders. These statistics show that the juveniles exhibit signs of conduct disorder. This disorder is characterized by aggressive physical conduct aimed at injuring others and non-aggressive conducts aimed at causing damage to properties, theft, violation of rules and deceit (Hayes, 2009). Hayes (2009) also notes that Juveniles in detention show high rates of physical, sexual and emotional abuse than their counterparts in the community. According to a past study, Juveniles in Maryland were associated with high rates of physical violence which stood at 35 percent, and sexual abuse at 18 percent (Hays, 2009). Hayes (2009) asserts that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Media and Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New Media and Consumer Behavior - Essay Example However, the dynamics associated with social and new media also present new opportunities for marketers to begin changing the expectations with marketing. This development is one that is causing marketers to reexamine their approach to new media as well as the associations that are a part of the behaviors which are being created. Social Media and Marketing The development of social media and the use of new media have allowed marketers to take a completely new approach to the brands that are developed. This is based on the understanding that the consumer responses hold more weight than before. More important, the social media brand name which is communicated to others creates direct responses from those that are working within the market. For this to work correctly, a hybrid model of the promotional mix is used. This is based on developing network platforms and promotional tools that engage customers. The risk within this comes from the responses from consumer behavior and the open ne twork which often leads to a loss of control over the brand name. If a consumer has a bad review of the company and other problems occur, then there is a lack of development and understanding with the social media. This response is furthered with the communication that is now open and used for promotions in the marketplace. These responses have developed into a different understanding and development of marketing communication in the marketplace (Mangold, Faulds, 2009:51). The social and new media created then leads into a mixture of promotions which works as a medium for marketers. The medium; however, includes specialized dynamics that alter the way in which one is working within the social media. This is combined with the technological models and advertising that is within the virtual world. The main approach which needs to be created is to allow the consumers to communicate the main message which helps to build the brand identity of the products used. The main approach then furt hers into the purchasing intention that is required with the products developed as well as the way in which this presentation is offered in virtual worlds. The challenge with the new medium becomes based on the communication levels which are used and the way in which the promotional platforms hold specific dynamics. As these dynamics alter, there is a specific association with how these work in terms of purchasing intention and development. The medium that is established then focuses on connecting the right customers and monitoring ways for the new media to promote what is needed in terms of communication for a specific product (Barnes, 2007: 13). Understanding Consumer Behavior The main alteration which has occurred with the social media portals is the consumer behavior that is a part of the social media. There is a specific culture which has influenced the approach toward specific brand names and the results which have become a part of this. The culture which is associated with th is is developed with the understanding of global advertising and marketing that creates the culture and understanding. The consumer behavior for social media is to gain information, specifically from influences of peer groups. Word of mouth that is a part of the global culture and the associations which are related to the business and media then develop a different under

Prison system in the united states Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Prison system in the united states - Term Paper Example It is often believed in America that the prison and criminal justice systems promote economic and social inequalities and it has an unequal and unfair effect on poor, the American minorities and less privileged class of the society. It has adverse effects on not only the prisoners but also on the families and the closed ones. The groups and people who are influential, wealthy and resourceful control the whole criminal justice and control mechanism, as they are in a position to exercise greater influence through the legal process hence suppressing the poor. One of the face of injustice in the system is that it is believed that the prisons are used to lock up those individuals of the society who have been involved in the most serious offences and are a threat and disgrace to the society, which is proved wrong by the revelation of the fact that American prison system incarcerates the drug users who usually belongs to lower class and the upper lower class of the society- It sees crime as an act of lower class only. Usually, the American blacks (minorities) are involved in criminal activities due to their racial discrimination in America, hence they are the ones most incarcerated. The prisons and jails in America are usually situated in the urban locality which makes the prisoners and staffs feel isolated from the people and make it difficult for the families and the closed ones to meet the prisoner. It does not only affect the people involved in the system but also affects their families.... Usually, the American blacks (minorities) are involved in criminal activities due to their racial discrimination in America, hence they are the ones most incarcerated. The prisons and jails in America are usually situated in the urban locality which makes the prisoners and staffs feel isolated from the people and make it difficult for the families and the closed ones to meet the prisoner. It does not only affect the people involved in the system but also affect their families. (Lynch, Micheal, J. 2007; Blakely, Curtis, R. 2005) Previously the inmates were given freedom to access the judiciary to defend their cases which was in accordance to the constitution and was an ethical practice. The Civil Rights Act allowed the inmates regardless of race and gender to file a suit against any mistreatment, violence, medical ignorance or any such unethical practice. With the passage of time the system developed more flaws and attempts were made to weaken this Act. It is considered that unsuccess ful lawsuits are costly and are an additional expense which lead to reconsideration whether access to the court should be granted freely to all inmates or not resulting into reduced chances of inmates to defend their cases and approach courts which was their only way to hold prison operators legally accountable against any mistreatment. (Blakely, Curtis, R. 2005; American Assembly.1973) The legal system in America has gone through many changes over time mostly influenced and affected by scholarly work and studies on human behavior and psychology. It is widely believed that there is a positive correlation between the deterrence of crime and severance of punishment. The severe the punishment the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New Media and Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New Media and Consumer Behavior - Essay Example However, the dynamics associated with social and new media also present new opportunities for marketers to begin changing the expectations with marketing. This development is one that is causing marketers to reexamine their approach to new media as well as the associations that are a part of the behaviors which are being created. Social Media and Marketing The development of social media and the use of new media have allowed marketers to take a completely new approach to the brands that are developed. This is based on the understanding that the consumer responses hold more weight than before. More important, the social media brand name which is communicated to others creates direct responses from those that are working within the market. For this to work correctly, a hybrid model of the promotional mix is used. This is based on developing network platforms and promotional tools that engage customers. The risk within this comes from the responses from consumer behavior and the open ne twork which often leads to a loss of control over the brand name. If a consumer has a bad review of the company and other problems occur, then there is a lack of development and understanding with the social media. This response is furthered with the communication that is now open and used for promotions in the marketplace. These responses have developed into a different understanding and development of marketing communication in the marketplace (Mangold, Faulds, 2009:51). The social and new media created then leads into a mixture of promotions which works as a medium for marketers. The medium; however, includes specialized dynamics that alter the way in which one is working within the social media. This is combined with the technological models and advertising that is within the virtual world. The main approach which needs to be created is to allow the consumers to communicate the main message which helps to build the brand identity of the products used. The main approach then furt hers into the purchasing intention that is required with the products developed as well as the way in which this presentation is offered in virtual worlds. The challenge with the new medium becomes based on the communication levels which are used and the way in which the promotional platforms hold specific dynamics. As these dynamics alter, there is a specific association with how these work in terms of purchasing intention and development. The medium that is established then focuses on connecting the right customers and monitoring ways for the new media to promote what is needed in terms of communication for a specific product (Barnes, 2007: 13). Understanding Consumer Behavior The main alteration which has occurred with the social media portals is the consumer behavior that is a part of the social media. There is a specific culture which has influenced the approach toward specific brand names and the results which have become a part of this. The culture which is associated with th is is developed with the understanding of global advertising and marketing that creates the culture and understanding. The consumer behavior for social media is to gain information, specifically from influences of peer groups. Word of mouth that is a part of the global culture and the associations which are related to the business and media then develop a different under

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Linguistic and Literary Issues in A Tale of Two Cities Essay

Linguistic and Literary Issues in A Tale of Two Cities - Essay Example This paper is a discussion of the Linguistic and Literary Issues in â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†.A major characteristic of â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† by Charles Dickens is the tightly unified  subplots of the novel. Throughout the novel, the novelist has been careful in adroitly interlinking the different subplots. The novel mainly deals with two parallel plots: the love relation between Charles Darnay and Lucy Manette and the historical events connected with French Revolution. However, there are several other underlying subplots distributed throughout the three Books of the novel. They include the story of the great sacrifice by the good-for-nothing lawyer Sydney Carton, the comparison between the two cities of London and Paris, the atrocities of the aristocrats etc along with the stories within story such as the imprisonment of Dr. Manette, the story of Madame Defarge. The overall setting of the novel is based on these interconnected subplots which contribute to the each other as well as to the meaning of the novel in general. The novelist has been effective in presenting the major themes of the novel through the literary device of setting. It means that the setting of the novel which incorporates the interrelated subplots functions as a literary device to the novelist in his ultimate conveyance of the major themes. Therefore, the subplots in â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† work in relation to each other to reveal the major themes of the novel.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Jesus Christ of dance Essay Example for Free

Jesus Christ of dance Essay Doris Humphrey, born October 17, 1895 and died December 29, 1958, legend lives on today. Doris was one of several original modern choreographers. Born in a musical family, her mother taught piano lessons. Doris took dance variety of dance lessons in Chicago. Her birth place was Oak Park, IL. She began her teaching/choreography when her mother opened a dance studio. Doris was 15 years old when she began teaching dance. The dance studio opened to financially support the family. Later, she taught modern dance to community colleges. Juilliard dance program originated with her. Her father was an aspiring photographer and hotel manager. Almost all early modern choreographers studied as Denishawn dancers. The Denishawn California based dance company was founded by Ruth St Dennis and Ted Shawn. From 1918-1928, Doris danced as a principal for Denishawn. Many dancers left Denishawn when Ted Shawn made a controversial remark. One day, outspoken Martha Graham reminded him he was not Jesus Christ. Ted Shawn said he was Jesus Christ. He is the Jesus Christ of dance. Quite a few offended dancers left the company at once. In 1928, Charles Weidman and Humphrey left Denishawn starting their own dance company. The new dance company was name the Weidman-Humphrey dance company. Ted Shawn’s most famous work is Jacobs Pillow. Humphrey had original ideas about dance technique. Modern choreographers are not known to follow tradition. â€Å"Her work embodied the work of Americanist Spirit of individualism† (Debanham, Kathi, Pat, From the Ground Up). Many of her dances emphasized America. In many ways, modern dance rebels against traditional ballet. Almost all modern dancers have years of thorough ballet training. Ballet training comes through in all dancers in performances and class. Doris’s choreography, like all modern dance, is not made to be presentable. Modern dance is not even made to be proper. Modern dance displays non-human strength moves. Viewers really must pay attention to the choreography. Very advanced professional ballet dancers usually perform in short tutus. Advanced modern dancers wear full length skirts. Modern dancer’s technique while performing full length extensions are noticed when the dancers center is straight, and her knee easily touches or goes beyond her ear. Extreme balance, flexibility and strength exhibitions fill professionally choreographed modern dance performances. The only way an untrained dancer understands movements involved is to attempt to copy the choreography. Modern dance movement looks very simple. There are many fakes teaching modern dance today, especially in colleges and universities. This is obvious reading dance magazine articles, written by university professors describing dance technique. Rhythm and breathing was the base of Humphreys choreography. She spent hours exploring how breathing and rhythm works. Her choreography originated with breathing. Breathing exercises progressed to contraction and release. â€Å"All life fluctuates between resistance to and yielding to gravity† (Humphrey, Art of Making Dances). Humphreys greatest contribution to modern dance is fall and recovery technique. Grahams contraction and release technique inspired Humphreys fall and recovery technique. In ballet class, dancers hold constant tension, constant lengthening of the spine and limbs. In Humphey’s dances, the choreography extends with proper ballet technique, (sustained flow) hits a distinct movement destination, (sharp accent). Unexpectingly, the dancers collapse (rest). She related this to birth. The recovery, or release, is when the baby is born. Modern choreographers tend to design original dance techniques from their own interpretation of life’s beginning and ending. Doris Humphrey’s company ended in 1942. She then became the artistic director for Jose Limon. Limon danced in Humphrey’s company. Humphrey Choreographed over eighty dances. Some of these are: Modern-Ballet Color Harmony, 1928; Water Study 1928; The Shakers, 1931; Day on Earth 1947; Water Study is one of her most amazing works. Audiences loved it. â€Å"Dance Magazine described it as ‘a work that astounded critics and audiences alike with its synchronized, moving-wave forms, from calm lapping on a beach to a crashing tempest’ † (Texas State Library Commissions). Other choreographers at this time were Katherine Dunham, Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, Paul Taylor. Dance is hardly a lucrative profession. Doris lived most of her life through financial hardships. Political events influenced Doris’s financial struggles. â€Å"A worldwide depression began with the October 1929 U. S. stock market crash. International bankruptcies and closing of credit unions closed many jobs. Government public works programs no longer existed. † (Paraphrased, Rise of Totalitarians, 2007). Right before her death, she wrote The Art of Making Dances. Her contributions to the dance world goes farther than fall and recovery technique and her last book. Art of Making Dances is the most significant contribution Humphrey is known for. She died in New York City on *December 29, 1958. *Dates and other facts are not consistent. Apparently, Art of Making Dances were a collection of her notes that was donated to performing arts libraries after her death. Notes; Debenham, Pat, and Kathie Debenham. From the Ground Up: Doris HumphreyModernist, Americanist, Artist. Interdisciplinary Humanities 21. 1 (2004): 78-86. Academic Search Premier. 10 April 2007. http://search. ebscohost. com. Doris Humphrey, Art of Making Dances, Dance Horizons, Copyright in 1959, 1987. Editorial, Doris Humphrey 1895-1958 Texas State Library Archives and Commission, http://galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/LitRC? vrsn=3OP=containslocID=txshrpub200866srchtp=athrca=1c=1ste=6tab=1tbst=arpai=U13706243n=10docNum=H1000149358ST=Doris+HumphreybConts=2191 Editorial, Rise of Totalitarians: 1930-39. World Almanac Book of Facts (2005): 520. Middle Search Plus. 11 April 2007. http://search. ebscohost. com.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Situational Analysis And Imc Objective Marketing Essay

Situational Analysis And Imc Objective Marketing Essay By referring to Jacobs website, Jacobs is a brand names which well-known for quality and whole meal biscuits and their reputation that has already existed over few generations. Jacobs success can be attributed to the companys high standards in manufacturing best quality of biscuits, its continuous research and product development, and its commitment to ensure that its product are suit to the changing of consumer needs, taste buds, and lifestyles. Over the years, range of products of Jacobs has grown and changed from a plain cracker to a wide-ranging range of quality crackers and biscuits, including Wheat meal, Cream Cracker, Low Salt Hi-Fibre, Hi-Cal, Hi-Fibre, and Oatmeal biscuits. Jacob is using several ways of IMC strategies to promote its products to consumers. Advertising Referring to Jacobs website, Jacobs Original Cracker mainly advertises on TV channel such as TV 1, TV 2, TV 3, NTV 7, and 8TV. Jacobs advertise with different languages, included Malay, Chinese, and English. By doing this, we can say that Jacob is targeting general group of market which are Malay, Chinese, and English. According to Utusan Malaysia website, Jacobs also advertise on newspaper such as language in Bahasa: Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. In the newspaper, they are not directly advertising their product; Jacobs providing such as dessert recipe with Jacob cracker and educates consumers the correct ways for consumption. Contest Campaign By referring to the Jacobs website, Jacobs organized contest at the past with the title Jacobs Ibuku Inspirasiku, the prize worth up to RM 300,000. To join the contest, participants first have to gather any Jacobs cracker product that with the promotion label on the packing, minimum of 10 points for one submission. After that, participants have to click on Join Now at the website and fill in the details when prompted and key in the codes on Jacobs products pack to determine the accumulated points. Over the past few years, we can see that Jacobs not only advertising on newspaper and television but also organizing healthy campaign such as in year 2010, Jacobs Walk of Life and Strong Support for 1Malaysia Sihat. Apart from the 5 kilometre walk, participants also enjoyed of continuing booth activities that designed by co-sponsors such as free health check by Selangor State Health Department, free bone health check by Anlene, balloon sculptures, childrens face painting, and childrens inflatable at Kids Fun zone. There were also special performances by popular local artist, Black and One Nation Emcee entertained the crowd with their music. Due to the strong support by peoples in 2010, therefore in year 2011 Jacobs continued to organize the event with the title Jacobs Walk of Life 2011, Pledge to Health Social Media According to the websites of Jacobs, Jacobs is using social media platform, Facebook to communicate with their fans or followers. New information, updates, and sometime Jacobs will share the happiness or interesting news through Facebook. This social media platform allowed customers to interact with the company and its popular now. IMC objective Strengthen image The main objective of Jacobs is to build a strong image of the brand. In the strong competitive market, loyalty of customer is very important in the industry. When there is a strong image, customer will have awareness with and make it as one of the preference. With the higher recognition of the brand, the chances to increase loyal customer is also high. Increase sales Sales are one of the important factor for a company, because the revenue is generate by the sales. Every company will try to archive sales target to have more profits. More profit is needed in order to run a business. Creative Strategy Creative strategy is generally the outcome of a team with one or more copywriters, an art director and a creative director. It is to explain how the advertising campaign will meet the businesss advertising objective. The outline is prepared by the creative team of an advertising agency for the launching of an advertising campaign or message. Creative strategy includes unique selling proposition and emotional selling proposition; both can determine the advertising messages that deliver to target audiences in a creative manner. Unique Selling Proposition Unique selling proposition normally is a critical component of a promotional theme that contributes to the building of an advertising campaign. It states the real or perceived benefit of a product or service and then differentiates from its competitors. This would also affect the buyers purchase intention as it can give its buyer a logical reason. Jacobs using a unique and innovative technique for Jacobs Cream Crackers to remain, the classic cracker brand using the traditional special baking techniques since 1885, to make crackers outside distinctively crispy and the center is slightly softer textured, with a yeasty dough classic flavor. Jacobs product contain wheat, this is a source rich of nutrient, this makes Jacobs cracker position in a healthy food industry. Therefore, Jacobs uses USP to create positive and unique identity in customers mind. (Belch Belch, 2009) Uniqueness Jacobs cream cracker made with whole grains. Grains are grasses that produce edible starchy seeds that can be processes as a source of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. According to the JACOBs website, foods such as wheat, rice and oat are considered as cereal grains and these cereal grains are high in carbohydrates that provide energy for humans daily activities. Therefore, Jacobs cream cracker also considered as healthy cracker which provides 72mg calories per serving. Jacobs Actimix standard, Jacobs cracker is a 92% wheat cereal, low fat level, no added sugar, coloring, flavoring and preservatives. Whole grain provides nutrients from all parts of the grain. Whole grain must consist of three parts: bran, germ and endosperm. Figure1 below is a graph that cropped from the Jacobs Malaysia website ( that well explains the whole grain and its nutrient consist: C:UsersK3nnyDesktopUntitled.png Figure1 Benefits Jacobs cream crackers mainly consist of 5 ingredients: wheat flour, palm oil, salt, sodium bicarbonate and yeast. Wheat is rich in essential nutrients that offer important health benefits to consumers. It is also a good source of energy from carbohydrates. It contains B-vitamins and minerals to help release energy from carbohydrates. Besides, wheat also contains protein that supports the body building process while fiber that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. Therefore, by consuming Jacobs cream cracker, consumer can lower the risk of getting several chronic diseases and condition for examples, heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and gastrointestinal troubles. Furthermore, consuming wheat diet also benefits consumers in terms of boosting immunity, bone health and other wellness goals. So, according to the nutrient fact of Jacobs cream cracker, it is not more than 6 grams of fat per serving and it is useful in fat-restricted diets. Potent Jacobs cream crackers are well known for its richness in nutrients and healthiness. Since 1885 until today, Jacobs using the same special baking techniques, to make crackers outside distinctively crispy and the center is slighter softer, together with the classic yeasty dough flavor. In Malaysia, Jacobs cracker was manufactured and produced by Kraft Food Malaysia. Kraft was awarded the Prime Minister Award during year 1993 for the quality biscuit standard. This would increase the purchasers confident towards Jacobs cream cracker. DRIP Framework Differentiation Jacobs cream cracker position itself as healthy cracker which it is made with wheat flours. Therefore, Jacobs cracker can be taken as a source of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It also stated that Jacobs cracker containing Actimix. The USP allows Jacobs to differentiation itself from other competitor with the nutrients and healthy fact. Furthermore, Jacobs in under the Kraft Food Malaysia, the quality of cracker can be assured. Reinforce Jacobs cream cracker is healthy and nutritious that can provides energy for daily activities. Besides that, Jacobs also come out with more range of crackers. For examples: High-iron, Hi-Fiber, Low-Salt, Hi-Calcium and etc. This can fulfill the different needs of nutrients by consumers. Jacobs can emphasize more on nutrients and healthy lifestyle information to consumers. Inform Jacobs mainly advertises in television and newspaper. The advertisement is created to build awareness of audience and reader. Besides, Jacobs also having a Facebook Page called Jacobs Malaysia. It is a platform for Jacobs to share information of its products and also let its consumers to share their experience on consuming Jacobs cracker. Moreover, Jacobs also organize special games and activities such as Jacobs Walk of Life. Participants that complete the walk will be given a gift bag with Jacobs products. This is also a form of introducing Jacobs cracker and building healthy brand images for Jacobs. Persuade Jacobs emphasize on the crackers nutrients and healthy facts. Besides, Jacobs cracker contain Actimix is a great cracker that made up of 92% complex carbohydrate and provide consumers energy to meet the demand of the day. It is also specially formulated to provide low fat per serving, suitable for fat restricted diets. Therefore, Jacobs can strengthen or concentrate on this point when communicate with audience. Those who concern on healthy meal and lifestyle will attract by Jacobs cracker because it is made by wheat and contain a lot nutrients that needed by human being. Media Planning Strategy Media planning is a series of decisions that involved the delivering of promotional message to target audience. This set a direction to guide the strategy formulation of media such as broadcast, print, promotion, public relationship and other relevant media strategies. Therefore, media planning and strategy can assist Jacobs in determining the best way to reach their target audience. Jacobs media objective is to deliver the information of Jacobs cracker can help consumers to maintain their health and live a healthy lifestyle. So, media strategy will be formulated to achieve the media objective set through various media such as broadcast and print. Target Market/ Audience Jacobs focus on psychographic, people who concern on health issues and want to live a healthy lifestyle will be targeted. This group of people highly demands for healthy meal and snacks. Foods that they consume must be rich in nutrients and can benefits for their health. As Jacobs cracker contains rich nutrients, this would best suitable to consume by this group of people. Next, for the demographic segment, there is no restriction for age and gender. No matter male or female kids, teenagers, adults or golden citizens, all of them can consume the Jacobs crackers. Besides, Jacobs cracker is healthy and good quality it will be sold at medium price level. Therefore, medium level income group are targeted by Jacobs. In Malaysia, income amount between the ranges from RM2500 RM5000 will be considered as middle income group. This is the group can afford our products. Scheduling Jacobs can schedule its advertising in reaching their consumers through various media. There are 3 types of scheduling method which are continuity, flight and pulsing. Continuity means advertise evenly throughout the year while flight mean advertise in certain months that contain festival or event. Moreover, pulsing scheduling is the combination of continuity and flight. Since Jacobs cracker can be a daily consume product, it should adopt the continuity scheduling. In continuity scheduling, advertisement is continually maintained to send information and communicate with the target audiences. This is to keep target audiences aware of the brand and product and also promote product that newly launched. Advertisements that contain promotion, new product or contest will be spread evenly during every month. This would require a good amount of budget to adopt continuity scheduling. Broadcast media After all the steps, budget consideration is important in deciding and developing media strategy for various media. First of all, broadcast media will be the primary media for advertising Jacobs cracker. For Television advertising, TV channels such as Discovery Home and Health (channel 733), Asian Food Channel (channel 703), Food Network Asia HD (channel 727), TV 3, NTV7, 8TV and ASTRO would best to display Jacobs advertisement. It would spend a large amount to advertise in TV channels during prime time which means from 6 to 9 evening. Advertising on this time is effective in reaching target audiences because people normally will stay together with family for dinner and most of the people will have television switched on during their dinner time. Furthermore, the current TVC is using a family concept with caring to promote the Jacobs cracker. This does not contain much creativity because current and previous TVC also using the same concept. To avoid boredom of TVC, it should be more creative situation and ways to be used in future new TVC. Besides TVC, Jacobs also can use radio to advertise. Healthy people usually wake up early, so the suggested air time will be in the morning. Also, working group need breakfast for starting their day. Therefore, advertise during the morning session is more likely to be an effective way. Print media Next, print media such as magazines, newspaper also another media for Jacobs advertisement placement. Health issue related magazines such as Health Fitness Enthusiast magazine will the best to place Jacobs cracker advertisement. Normally health conscious group and healthy lifestyle maintainers will keep themselves update by purchasing health magazines. They concern on health issues, therefore the presence of Jacobs ad can easily attract their attention. Newspapers such as Sin Chew, The Star and Utusan Malaysia with different languages Chinese, English and Malay respectively are also suitable to place in Jacobs cracker advertisement. This is because newspapers are also an effective ways to reach different races of target audiences. Sales Promotions Jacobs can do promotion with different promotion techniques to attract purchasers. One of the promotion techniques will be pack 2 or more Jacobs cream cracker pack together to create a value pack and sell at a price. This value pack price normally is lower price than buy separately. Therefore, such promotion can attract and influence target audiences purchase intention. Moreover, Jacobs can increase the normal packing volume. For example, enlarge the packing volume from 800g to 850g, additional 50g added. This can considered as bonus packing that offer extra crackers but charged at normal price. Public Relation Publicity Jacobs can organize campaigns and events or roadshow to communicate with the public. Information of product or company can be delivered during the events. Besides, Jacobs can allocate a budget for sponsorship of events, for examples: exhibition and contests. Jacobs will be able to create brand awareness and high exposure by placing banners around the sponsor events venue. Others Billboard advertising usually is a large outdoor advertising structure, normally found along the side of highway, for example: PLUS highway. Billboard advertising is designed to grab audiences attention and create impression in their mind, leaving them think about the advertisement (Belch Belch, 2009). Transits advertising normally use in the cities with high volume of public transport such as buses and trains. Jacobs can print the advertisement on the public transports so that when the public transport move around in the city, it can grab citizens attention and create brand awareness. Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses Internet to deliver marketing messages in attracting customers. For example, Jacobs can use banner ads for advertise Jacobs cracker. Banner ads can be placed in health related blogs, websites and forums. Social network advertising is also another example. So, Jacobs can advertise in the Facebook social network platform. Although Jacobs Malaysia Facebook page exists, it does not seem to have frequent health related information sharing about Jacobs product. As a result, Jacobs should improve from this aspect. Broadcast Media Strategy Broadcast media is one of the important advertising strategies a company can use to create awareness, increase product or brand image. Jacobs can use broadcast media to reach the mass market since broadcast media is the most effective channel to achieve that; we are exposed to different broadcast media in every day. Jacobs original cracker is positioning as a healthy biscuit which is targeted on the healthy conscious people. Thus, they can create broadcast advertisements which are based on healthy conscious concept. Although they are already doing this currently, it should be continued, repeat it again and makes further improvements so that the target audiences are reinforced by this important message heavily. By reinforcing the message to the target audiences, the product image will be stronger. Jacobs original cracker is a consumer good. To effectively advertise it to the right target audiences, broadcast medias which are able to reach the mass market should be utilized heavily since the product is a consumer good and the target market is very wide, the healthy conscious people. There are two types of broadcast media Jacobs should use to advertise their product, television and radio. Television As mentioned in the earlier part, Jacobs is advertising their product through different television channels such as TV1, TV2, TV3, NTV7 and 8TV. This is actually a good effort to advertise the product and reach the target audiences. Utilization of television for advertising of Jacobs original cracker should be continued and make further improvements. Television allows the advertiser to create advertisement which is creative and high impact which is able to send the accurate messages well. Jacobs need this ability of television because concept of Jacobs original cracker which is the healthy biscuit is a vital message that should be sent to the target audiences accurately and effective. Jacobs has to utilize this ability of television to educate their target audiences well. To achieve that, a creative advertisement which includes the unique selling propositions and emotional selling propositions of Jacobs original cracker should be created with a suitable, attractive storyline. Furthermore, the advantage of coverage and cost effectiveness by television is another reason it should be used for Jacobs advertisement. As we know Jacobs original cracker is considered a consumer good and it should be advertised to the mass market, television can help Jacobs to achieve this very well. This is because everyone is exposed to television daily. Regardless of age, sex, income, education level, everyone at least watches some television. Moreover, advertising through television is able to capture the attention of the target audiences. Without making special efforts to avoid commercials, most of us are exposed to thousands of commercial in television each year. This indicates that television has a very high possibility to capture a very high population of people which includes the target audiences of Jacobs. This captivity is actually what Jacobs need because they need the attention of the target audiences before the correct messages can be educated. Although there are some criticisms on television, saying that television is not a good medium which is able to reach the precise target audiences. Fortunately, Jacobs can still use television to advertise their product. This is because one of the television companies in Malaysia, ASTRO offers different channels based on different interest. In case of Jacobs, there are channels like Discovery Home and Health(Channel 733), Asian Food Channel(Channel 703), Food Network Asia HD(Channel 727) which are suitable for Jacobs to advertise since the target audiences can be identified. Audiences who watch the channels mentioned would be a healthy conscious consumer and these audiences are exactly the target audiences of Jacobs. On the other hand, Jacobs should use network advertising for broadcast media to fully utilize the budgets. Network advertising is the most appropriate one for Jacobs. Although the budget would be higher than the spot advertising, network advertising provides Jacobs a few advantages. The purchase process of the airtime is simple for network advertising. Jacobs is dealing with only one party when come to the purchasing of airtime. Besides, audiences who watch the networks which are suitable for Jacobs such as Discovery Home and Health share the same interest, which is to seek a healthy lifestyle. Thus, when Jacobs advertise through the entire network, the target audiences can be reached in a higher chance. In terms of buying airtime method, participation should be chosen as a strategy of Jacobs. As mentioned earlier, Jacobs original cracker is a type of consumer goods which is to be advertised to the mass market. By participations through buying different commercial time, the advertisement of Jacobs can reach more audiences; this is what actually Jacobs need. Other than that, the expenditures of advertising can be controlled since there is no long term commitment to any program; Jacobs is considered only participate in sponsorship of the programs. In selecting the time periods for the advertisement, Jacobs should choose the prime time, 8pm to 11pm or morning time segment, 7am to 9am. Prime time is the time segment which is the most popular time period where most people watches television. Thus, for a consumer product like Jacobs original cracker, it should be advertisement in this time segment to have a greater reach of the target audiences. On the other hand, morning time segment can be chosen too. This is because most healthy conscious people who are the target audiences of Jacobs wake up early in every day. This can reach the target audiences effectively and efficiently. Radio Jacobs seldom advertise their product through the radio. Radio is actually another good media which can be used since it is able to reach the mass market too. Jacobs should start advertising more through radio as it can be used as an alternative medium instead of television. Radio is good in advertising because it can achieve the goal of most companies who are advertising their product, cost and efficiency. Cost for advertising through radio is low; radio commercials are inexpensive to produce and the cost for airtime in radio is also low. This is absolutely a great reason for any company including Jacobs to advertise. Other than that, low cost of advertising through radio in turn increases the efficiency. More reaches of the audiences and frequency of advertisement can be obtained since cost is lower down. Jacobs need this strategy to reach as much target audiences as possible. In addition, radio listeners are emotionally bond to the radio stations they listen frequently. In other words, they have a special, unique relationship with their preferred radio stations. Thus, advertise through radio is a good way to influence the thinking of the audiences. Since there is an emotional bond between the radio listeners and radio stations, advertisements appeared in the radio stations are easily accepted by these radio listeners. Jacobs should utilize this ability of radio to educate the target audiences about the concept of Jacobs original cracker, which is a healthy biscuit. Flexibility of radio for advertising is an ideal advantage for every company who wants to advertise including Jacobs. This ability is also unique as other media are not as flexible as radio. Messages can be easily adjusted any time before it goes out on air to suit the market conditions and situations. Other than that, another advantage which can be obtained through advertising on radio is mental imagery. The elements of the commercial on radio are only the jingle and the voice of the speaker. Although this is limiting the creativity of the advertisement, this allows the listeners to imagine about the product advertised. For instance, Jacobs advertised their Original Cracker through messages about how healthy a person will be by consuming their biscuit and the listeners may start imagine that they might becoming healthy as well if they eat the biscuit in every day. Spot radio is suitable for Jacobs to advertise their product. Network radio is not effective for Jacobs because there is no network of radio that attracts the specific interest of different listeners. Healthy conscious people may not listen to the same radio network. By spot radio, Jacobs can find suitable airtime on individual stations in different markets. This is more effective to reach the correct target market. In selecting the time periods for the advertisement, Jacobs should choose morning drive time or the daytime. The reason is simple. Healthy people wake up early in every day. Plus, working adults who drive in the morning have needs for a healthy breakfast. These supported the morning drive time is reasonable to be chosen. On the other hand, the second choice would be the daytime. This is because, except in the morning, people would like to eat biscuit in the daytime rather than other time periods in Malaysia. Print Media Strategy Print media is another media which advertisers use frequently to advertise their products. It is a popular media in addition to broadcast media. Print media is very much different with broadcast media. Print media allows the audiences to read the messages with own pace. Unlike print media, most broadcast media are on air for limited time period. Audiences may miss out some important messages which the advertisers want to send to them. Print media solve this problem by printed out the advertisement and audiences can read as many times as they wish. This may lead to a high involvement by target audiences who are been attracted. There are many different types of print media. We would like to recommend Jacobs to use magazine and newspaper as the print media. Magazine Magazine is a very powerful print media especially for different lifestyles and specific interests such as sports, automobile, healthy lifestyle and others. Thus, magazine is an ideal print media for advertising. This is because the different market segment can be easily found out by different lifestyles and specific interest. Jacobs seldom advertised their product on the magazine. Magazine should be utilized well. Magazine would be a useful print media for Jacobs to reach their target market effectively. This is because of their ability to reach a specific target audience. Most magazines are published for specific interest groups; this is same to the healthy conscious people. In Malaysia, there is a popular magazine called Oh! Only Health. This magazine is targeted on people who want a healthy lifestyle. Jacobs can create own advertisement for Original Cracker and advertised in this magazine to educate the target audience that Jacobs is selling healthy biscuit and it is suitable for them. Apart from that, the quality of the magazines papers is good. Thus, creativity of the advertisement would be not restricted and as creativity is good, audiences would be got attracted and messages can be sent well to the readers once they are attracted. In addition, magazines are normally read over few days and being kept for a long time. This means that the advertisement would be repeated each time the reader flips through the page which printed the advertisement. Jacobs need a repetitive advertisement so that people can remember them well. So, magazine is a very useful print media for Jacobs to advertise their product, original cracker. Furthermore, magazine is a media which people search for specific information. Other than newspaper, magazine would be the most reliable source for information for the consumers. Consumers would likely trust whatever information provided in the magazine. Same to the healthy lifestyle magazine, healthy conscious people would likely to find and know more ways to be healthier in their life through getting information from the healthy lifestyle magazine. Jacobs should take this opportunity to advertise their product as a healthy biscuit in the healthy lifestyle magazine to gain trust and positive word of mouth from the target audiences. These people who read the healthy lifestyle magazine would likely to become an opinion leader for other consumers. Thus, positive word of mouth from these opinion leaders is very important. Purchasing suitable, enough advertising space and position in magazine is important. Space and position should be decided with considerations on budget and impact of the advertisement. In case of Jacobs, there is not much information needed to be provided in the advertisement. Thus, a quarter page of space is actually enough to provide relevant, related and important information. Although Jacobs position as a healthy biscuit, there are many other healthy related activities, foods and others in the magazine. So, position of the advertisement by Jacobs should be focusing on cost rather than good position. This is to save cost of advertisement as magazine is considered a high cost print media. Newspaper Newspaper is the second major form of the print media. It is as popular as the magazine. Newspaper is important for advertisers because there are many readers of newspaper. Moreover, mostly any types of advertisement are suitable to be advertised in the newspaper since there are many sections in a newspaper. Jacobs has been advertising their product through newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia. This act should be continued to send important messages to the readers. One of the reasons newspaper should be used to advertise Jacobs product is its extensive penetration. The type of newspaper Jacobs would advertise is definitely the daily newspaper. As we know, there are many readers read newspaper daily. This shows the high degree of newspaper market coverage. Jacobs as mentioned before, they are selling consumer good, biscuit, newspaper would be very suitable for Jacobs to advertise its product, Original Cracker since a very high population of audiences including the target audiences can be reached. Jacobs should advertise their advertisement in the healthy section of the newspaper to match the target market. People who are concerned on healthy would find information about the knowledge about healthy food, activities and others in the newspaper. When these readers read the advertisement advertised by Jacobs in the health section, they would trust the information given because readers of newspaper trust the information provided by the newspaper. Although the advertising rate for Jacobs which is the retailer advertising rate is already cheaper than the general advertising rate, budget can be save through using a black and white advertisement in the n